Posted by Carrie Fenn on Jun 07, 2019
Charlotte Shelburne Hinesburg Rotary

4/10/19 7:30 am

Trinity Community Room


Guest in Attendance: Carol ??


President Keith Walsh called the meeting in order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Devotional: Ric Flood

“It is good to recognize how different we are.

Our talents, our dreams, our backgrounds, our occupations.

And it good to know that when You created each of us,

You broke the mold.

No one is exactly like anyone else.

Even our thumbprint and our voice track tell us how unique we are.

Yet, we thank You that e can take these differences and mobilize 

them for the good of Rotary and our community.

In our differences, we can think the same thoughts and move

together toward a common goal.

Bless us as we meet together.

Thank You for our individuality and also for our common bond of Rotary.



The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. Ric Flood presented a Paul Harris Three Pin to George Schiavone. 

Keith Walsh led the 4 Way Test.  Our club has most effectively moved away from Call and Response, for which we are all grateful. 

Keith asked if anyone attended the Shelburne BNI/CSH Rotary mixer the previous week. No response so we will take that as a “no.”


The car raffle is May 10 at the Shelburne Farms Coach Barn. Please let Ric Flood know if you are planning to attend, how many guests are in your party and if you are buying a ticket. There are 50 confirmed tickets sold; we have another 32 that always take a ticket so members need to sell another 15 more. Everyone should be able to sell a ticket. To date, only 7 Tulip Tickets have been sold. Trafton will draw 2 tickets at next week’s meeting- be sure and hit up folks who you know have bought Tulip Tickets in the past.

John Lowe is in charge of dessert sign ups for the car raffle dinner. Dessert donations saves the club $700 in food costs so sign up to bring a dessert (and don’t forget to put your name on your plate so you can get it back).

Linda Barker is in charge of door prizes. We need 30-35 to make it work. Grab a receipt off the table and hit up your favorite businesses. This is a $10,000 fundraiser and we need all hands on deck. 

Margo Casco updated us on the Pancakes for Breakfast. Bob Sanders will send out a Sign Up Genius for tasks. Margo has yet to hear from the Church regarding the change in time to 8-11. The first hour was quite slow last year so the time change shouldn’t be a problem. Ros is getting posters and setting up the sandwich board. We usually run a press release but don’t place ads in local papers.

Tonight is the Town of Williston substance use and prevention forum at Williston Central School, sponsored by The Town of Williston, Champlain Valley School District, Williston/Richmond Rotary Club, Chittenden County Opioid Alliance and the Williston Observer.Dinner will be served. 

Changing of the Guard is June 29 from 5 to 9 at Shelburne Farms.

For those interested in volunteering at the water station for Saturday’s race, Keith will take your phone number and Rayne Herzog will set you up. Time is 9 to 10am.

Linda Gilbert heard back from Shelburne Community School. We are a go with the green envelope project. Card signing will take place May 15.

June 12 is the Essex Rotary Golf Tournament. CSH Rotary kicks in half the cost of the registration so get a twosome or a foursome together!

A discussion ensued regarding the moniker “Sergeant at Arms.” The term has political and military connotations which raises some eyebrows. Some clubs choose to change the names; others don’t collect Happy Fines at all. It is really up to our club whether or not we want to continue the practice. No action was taken.  

Happy Tax pot rolls over to next week!

Linda Gilbert will report out on the Hands to Honduras trip. All volunteers please wear your t-shirts!