Charlotte – Shelburne Rotary Club
April 22, 2015
Two Guests – Michael Abrams and Heather McKim
Suzanne Johnson from the Burlington Sunrise Club is asking for $500.00 plus donation.
There is a matching grant being offered for the Kenya project, “solar powered water filter”. This
solar powered water filter project is the new “polio” project.
Trafton reported that the selection of scholarship applicants has been completed.
Michael proposed that we have a “Table” at the Farmer's Market on Memorial Day
weekend and one on Wednesday in Hinesburg for the purpose of the Food Shelf.
Trafton pulled the winning ticket, but unfortunately for him did not pull the Joker.
Jim Donovan was the Guest Speaker. He is a Landscape Architect and his firm is
Broadreach Planning Design out of Charlotte. He holds numerous credentials with his name and is
an avid member of the 251 Club. Being a member means you visit Vermont's 251 municipalities.
As a landscape/architect one might do roadways, cemeteries, parks, forests, etc.. It's
similar to what engineers do but different in that architects want to develop the aesthetics.
He had 4 different careers:
A. Strip mines
B. Planning Firms – Development of Roads
C. Wetlands – Writing wetland legislation, along with environmental impact
D. Bicycle Project – Pedestrian
He works with the public a great deal. He is working with a team to develop Route 7 in
Shelburne. He explained that only certain buildings can be used in certain areas. He needs to be
conscious of how roads interact with buildings.
They can do zoning under the existing code or use the New Code.
Form Based Planning is defined as the existing code.
What it looks like and one must focus on use of zoning by how buildings look.
Shelburne Village is working on the intersection, and it has a rating: A=Excellent and
People can deal with the Route 7 traffic compared to a four lane highway going through
What happens must contribute to community.
Planning Commission tries to address complaints.
Form Based Land Use will likely be used for this area. The Selectboard is thinking of
voting on it as opposed to a town wide vote.
Jim is involved in Bicycle Planning also.