Posted by Christopher Davis on Dec 19, 2018
Minutes for the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary Club Meeting,
December 19, 2018
By Chris Davis
A beautiful orange sunrise.
Club members and two guests present.
President Erik called the meeting to order at 7:38 am, Pledge, Rick Flood said the prayer.
Erik reviewed the upcoming meetings/events as:
Thurs, Dec 20: Rotarian holiday get together, 4:30- on at the Shelburne Pub, Shelburne Bay
Wed, Dec 26: No meeting
Wed, Jan 2: Linda Gilbert and Hands to Honduras packing supplies that Rotarians brought to the
Tues, Jan 15: Club board meeting, any are welcome to attend.
Wed, Jan 16: Charlotte News Editor Melisa O’Brien
Wed, Jan 23: CVU Principal Adam Bunting
Wed, Jan 30: Membership Committee presentation
President Erik presented France a card and donations for the great breakfasts she has prepared for the Club.
Carol O with a reminder that any last minute donations to the Rotary Foundation need to get to Carol or Erik ASAP.
Speaker introduced: Lieutenant Mikel Arcovitch, Public Affairs Officer for the VT National Guard. Lt. Arcovitch reviewed his path from teaching to the full time position at the VT Guard.
He explained the various divisions and commands of the Air and Army Guard and their missions. He answered questions from the group regarding the Guard operations, F-35 basing, burn pits in overseas areas as a likely cause of cancers and deaths of Guard members. He did a great job and a book about “Todays National Guard” was donated in his name to the Hinesburg

President Erik wished all members a joyous holiday time.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 am.