Posted by Nancy Danforth on Jul 27, 2022
Chris Robinson, Shelburne's Water Quality Superintendent, briefed the club on the town's stormwater and wastewater operations and initiatives.

Today’s speaker is Chris Robinson of Shelburne Water & Sewer


Carrie welcomed Chris as our speaker today. 


The community school food delivery bus is fully staffed, thanks to all who are volunteering.  


The Farmer’s Market continues to need volunteers for set up and take down. Several of our club members continue to volunteer in addition to setting up our own weekly tent.  Put up is at 7:30 and take down is at 1:00. It takes about 45 minutes in the morning to set up both.  


Casino Night sales are building!  “The Romans” will be playing live music. Please save the date and spread the word. 


Bob Sanders and Denis Barton have agreed to co-chair the Golf Ball trip this year!  The event will occur on September 16 at 4:00.  Nick from Beta Technologies will be dropping the balls again this year. There will also be a longest drive contest and whether or not there will be food sales is undecided. $800 has been raised so far. 


COTS back pack stuffing is August 12 13th. Right now there are an adequate number of volunteers. 


Chris Davis shared that the pond at the town office will be undergoing renovation!  This will become a more environmentally friendly and maintenance free pond in the near future.  Volunteers will also be required for this.  Chris is working with Diana Vachon and Jim Donovan.


Dan collected the happy fines.


Diana introduced Chris who has been working for the Town of Shelburne for twenty-five years, starting as an assistant water quality engineer and now serves as the Water Quality Superintendent, since 2016. He has been a master electrician for about forty years as well.  He attended Paul Smith College and graduated from the University of Vermont.  


His responsibilities include managing the wastewater and storm water facilities for the town. This entails managing the budget, personnel management, operations of both facilities, renewing permits, reviewing and creating future plans, asset management, enforce ordinances and safety, to name a few!


Shelburne has nineteen pump stations, thirty-five miles of collection and nine hundred manholes.  There are four other employees who have degrees in civil and environmental engineering and they must be licensed in grade five wastewater certification.  


An upgrade and consolidation is planned for 2024-2026 in the town which is part of the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System in Vermont.  The State of Vermont mandates all minimum measures, a Phosphorus Control plan along with a Flow Restoration plan.  


Chris reminded everyone that we need to value this branch of the town because the operations and facilities are literally, the town’s most valuable asset. 


Jim presented Chris the book “Water A Biography” by Giulio Boccaletti which will be presented to The Shelburne Library in his name.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30